union wage造句

"union wage"是什么意思   


  1. " i had that door painted only last week , " mr . higginbotham half whined , half bullied ; " and you know what union wages are
    “那道门我是上个礼拜才油漆的呢, ”希金波坦先生半是哀号,半是威胁, “工联规定的工钱有多高你是知道的。
  2. Nor could he have guessed that the particular five dollars that belonged to him had been appropriated by the business manager for the painting of his house in alameda , which painting he performed himself , on week - day afternoons , because he could not afford to pay union wages and because the first scab he had employed had had a ladder jerked out from under him and been sent to the hospital with a broken collar - bone
  3. It's difficult to find union wage in a sentence. 用union wage造句挺难的


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  7. "union wages"造句
  8. "union wallonne des entreprises"造句
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